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So wie es im Monster Hunters 1 steht, kann jeder casten - klar, die meisten Leute haben einen so grossen Malus auf ihren Wurf, dass sie es nicht schaffen können. Dies passt aber nicht zu dieser Kampagne. Deshalb braucht man mindestens Magery 0 um überhaupt casten zu können. Natürlich auch da noch die -5 wenn man kein Ritual Adept hat.

First, I'd like to introduce a modifier for Ritual Adept:

  • Must Use Grimoire (-50%): In order to cast a ritual, you must either use a Grimoire or have Ritual Mastery for that ritual. You can not improvise new rituals on the fly.

This modifier makes Grimoires and Ritual Mastery much more important. A Grimoire costs $50 per pound and ten ritual pages, plus the cost of the rituals inscribed in the Grimoire. Thus, a typical five-pound Grimoire costs $250 (plus ritual costs) and holds 50 pages of rituals. The number of pages a ritual takes up and its price depend upon the skill bonus, following this chart:

Bonus Seiten Kosten
+0 2 $20
+1 3 $50
+2 4 $100
+3 5 $200
+4 6 $500
+5 7 $1000
+6 8 $2000
+7 10 $5000
+8 12 $10000
+9 16 $20000
+10 20 $50000

Dh. ein Anfängerzauberbuch mit 50 Seiten wäre 5 lbs schwer und würde 250 $ kosten, das einschreiben von gefüllt mit 25 +0 Ritualen die je 2 Seiten brauchen würde nochmal 25*20$=500$ kosten. Gesamthaft also 250$+500$

Next, some extra advantages:

  • Faster Casting [5/level]: Reduces the time to gather energy by 1 second (1 minute, if not a Ritual Adept) per level. This effect can not reduce energy gathering time to below one second (minute, for non-Adepts). Further, there is a +1 bonus per level (maximum +10) on instantly gathering energy for Blocking spells.
  • Extra Ritual Slot [1/level]: You can keep one more conditional ritual active at a time.

While you can use normal conditional rituals or charms, you can also Pre-Cast a ritual. This counts as a conditional ritual in all ways - it takes up a conditional ritual slot, it needs a Lesser Control Magic effect, etc. It works similarly to a break-to-cast Charm, with the following exceptions:

  • It is not tied to a physical object, so it can neither be stolen nor can you give it to someone else to use
  • It does not take an extra thirty minutes to prepare, but it only lasts until the next break of dawn (or, possibly, for 24 hours)
  • You can not claim any bonus from a workspace kit, but neither do you suffer from lack-of-equipment penalties
  • It requires a Concentrate maneuver to cast, rather than a Ready maneuver

A further note of clarification: Pre-Cast rituals and Charms that are simply holding a ritual to be used upon breaking the Charm do not count as 'active' rituals for the stacking rules (MH 37).

Instead of bogging down gameplay with all the rolls needed to Pre-Cast all of the chosen spells at the beginning of the game, a Wizard should only prepare a list of spells to Pre-Cast and record the circumstances when he was preparing - what Grimoires he had available, whether he was casting at a location of magical potency, etc. Only roll when actually attempting to use the Ritual, and use the Quick-and-Dirty Charm Creation rules (MH4 11). If you get a critical failure, this failure takes effect immediately, when the spell was used, not when the spell was originally Pre-Cast. Further, assume all Pre-Casting takes the same amount of time - twelve times the normal energy accumulation interval (a total of one minute for an Adept without Faster Casting, or one hour for someone without either Faster Casting or Ritual Adept, doubled if using a Grimoire).