Helden Magie

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Wichtige Advantages/Perks/Skills

Magery 0

  • 5 points

Magery 0 heisst bei Helden, dass man Rituale werken kann. Wer kein Magery 0 hat, kann auch keine Rituale machen. see p. B66


  • 10 points/level, kein oberes Limit
  • Prerequisite: Magery 0

Magery hat bei Helden zwei Effekte:

  1. Es deckelt die Ritual Path Skills, diese können nicht höher als 12+Magery Level und Thaumatology Skill sein.
  2. Magery gibt dem Caster eine Mana Reserve in der grösse von Magery Level * 4.

Ritual Adept

  • 40 points
  • Prerequisite: Magery 0

Dieses Advantage repräsentiert inherente magische Kräfte und ist nur für Caster verfügbar. Während Sprüche gezaubert von Leuten mit Magery 0+ langsam und durch verschiedenen Restriktionen belegt sind, sind es deine nicht:

  • Du lädst magische Energie aus der Umgebung in Sekunden und nicht in Minuten.
  • Keinen Abzug für zaubern auf nicht gesegnetem Grund
  • Keinen Abzug für Zauber auf Subjekte die nicht zugegen sind, deren Position man nicht auf den Meter genau kennt oder man braucht nichts physisches des Subjekts um den zauber zu wirken.

Ohne Ritual Adept

Wer Ritual Adept nicht hat, muss folgendes beachten:

  1. Die Zeit um magische Energy zu sammeln wird in Minuten und nicht in Sekunden gemessen! Man darf die Time Spent Regeln (B346) regeln bei Magie nie anwenden!
  2. -5 falls das zu verzaubernde Subjekt nicht zugegen oder die Position exakt bekannt ist (Innerhalb eines Meters) oder der Zauberer etwas (z.B. Haar oder Blut) des Subjekts hat
  3. -5 falls der Grund von welchem der Spruch gezaubert werden soll nicht gesegnet ist. Magisch potente Orte sind immer gesegnet. Es dauert eine Woche der Vorbereitung (Jeden Tag eine Stunde) einen Ort zusegnen für künftige Rituale. Wenn's Hart auf Hart kommt, kann ein Thaumatology Wurf in 1d Minuten einen hastig gezeichneten Kreis den Malus für das nächste Ritual auf -1 verringern. Entweihte Orte müssen erst wieder gesegnet werden.

Neue Limitation

  • Must Use Grimoire, -50%

In order to cast a ritual, you must either use a Grimoire or have Ritual Mastery for that ritual. You can not improvise new rituals on the fly.

Faster Casting

  • 5 points/level
  • Prerequisite: Magery 0

Reduces the time to gather energy by 1 second (1 minute, if not a Ritual Adept) per level. This effect can not reduce energy gathering time to below one second (minute, for non-Adepts). Further, there is a +1 bonus per level (maximum +10) on instantly gathering energy for Blocking spells.

Extra Ritual Slot

  • 1 point/level
  • Prerequisite: Magery 0

You can keep one more conditional ritual active at a time.

Ritual Mastery

  • 1 Point per Mastery

You have +2 to all Path skill rolls when casting a specific ritual (Defining Rituals, MH1:39). You must specialize by ritual.


  • IQ based Skill, Very Hard
  1. Es deckelt die Ritual Path Skills, diese können nicht höher als Thaumatology Skill und 12+Magery Level sein.
  2. Dieser Skill alleine reicht bei Helden nicht aus einen Spell zu casten, dazu braucht man auch noch Magery 0.
  3. Alle Pfad Skills "defaulten" zu Thaumatology-6 und können benutzt werden um Spells zu casten. Allerdings können "defaultete" Spells level 12 nicht übersteigen. Also nutzt einem ein Skill von grösser 18 nichts falls man defaulten möchte.
  4. Wer diesen Skill hat, kann Orte entweihen, braucht keinen Wurf. In einer Stunde 100 quadratmeter, kleinere Flächen entsprechend schneller.
  5. Entweihte Orte können mit einem Wurf wieder gesegnet werden, braucht aber 3 mal so lange oder 33 quadratmeter pro Stunde...
  6. Wenn's Hart auf Hart kommt, erlaubt ein erfolgreicher Thaumatology Wurf in 1d Minuten hastig einen Kreis zu zeichnen um damit den Malus für Zauberer ohne Ritual Adept für das nächste Ritual auf -1 zu verringern.

Path Skills

Alle magischen Rituale werden durch einen der folgenden neun IQ/Very Hard Path Skills gezaubert. Thaumatology ist "Prerequisite" für jeden der Path Skills, kein Pfad Skill kann höher als der Thaumatology Skill des Zauberers und 12+Magery Level sein.

  • Path of Body (Yesod): The flesh and blood (or chlorophyll, etc.) of living things. Lesser effects allow localized, believable, and subtle changes. Greater effects allow blatant and complete ones.
  • Path of Chance (Hod): Luck, odds, and entropy. Effect scope is as for Body, above.
  • Path of Crossroads (Tiphareth): Connections between locations, times, and planes of existence. While this cannot be used to literally teleport things, it can form gates to link two locations together. Lesser effects can only affect existing gates or weak points in reality. Greater effects can create themor target beings.
  • Path of Energy (Geburah): Includes fire, electricity, kinetic energy, light, sound, and so on. Lesser effects affect normal forms of the energy in simple, believable, and natural ways. Greater effects can be complex and weird.
  • Path of Magic (Chesed): Spells, energy, and the act of casting. Lesser effects affect the caster, ambient magic, and conditional spells. Greater effects can involve another person’s casting ability or magic permanently tied to a place or object.
  • Path of Matter (Netzach): Tangible, unliving, inanimate objects (e.g., rocks, driftwood, or cellular phones). Effect scope is as for Energy, above.
  • Path of Mind (Chokmah): The thought processes of sentient, living beings (e.g., humans, animals, or lycanthropes). Lesser effects can do anything to nonsapient minds; intelligent minds may be affected in a noninvasive manner (e.g., voluntary communication) or in a way limited to a single, specific aspect (e.g., a single memory or Hearing rolls). Greater effects can affect intelligentminds fully.
  • Path of Spirit (Binah): Living creatures whose body and spirit are one (e.g., angels, demons, or fae) or the spirit of those who are still alive (e.g., astral projections). Scope is as for Body or Mind, above, depending on the effect.
  • Path of Undead (Malkuth): The animated bodies or restless spirits of the dead (e.g., ghosts, vampires, or zombies). Scope is as for Body or Mind, above, depending on the effect.

For weather-working, use Path of Energy to affect things like wind speed or electrical activity, and Path of Matter to summon rain, hail, etc. The specific result should almost always be treated as bestowing a broad bonus or penalty (Modifiers, p. 34).

Default Use

All of the above Paths default to Thaumatology-6, and can be used at default to cast spells! However, a defaulted Path skill cannot exceed 12, regardless of how high the caster’s Thaumatology skill is. As all ritual rolls are against the Path skill, an untrained caster with a Thaumatology skill of 18 is identical to one with a higher Thaumatology skill. Thus, while nonmages have no incentive to buy up anything but Thaumatology, those with Magery 1+ will usually invest points in the various paths to take advantage of their higher ceiling.


This modifier makes Grimoires and Ritual Mastery much more important. A Grimoire costs $50 per pound and ten ritual pages, plus the cost of the rituals inscribed in the Grimoire. Thus, a typical five-pound Grimoire costs $250 (plus ritual costs) and holds 50 pages of rituals. The number of pages a ritual takes up and its price depend upon the skill bonus, following this chart:

Bonus Seiten Kosten
+0 2 $20
+1 3 $50
+2 4 $100
+3 5 $200
+4 6 $500
+5 7 $1000
+6 8 $2000
+7 10 $5000
+8 12 $10000
+9 16 $20000
+10 20 $50000

Dh. ein Anfängerzauberbuch mit 50 Seiten wäre 5 lbs schwer und würde 250 $ kosten, das einschreiben von gefüllt mit 25 +0 Ritualen die je 2 Seiten brauchen würde nochmal 25*20$=500$ kosten. Gesamthaft also 250$+500$

Lesser/Greater Effect Guideline

The GM is the arbiter of whether an effect is “believable,” “natural,” “simple,” or “subtle” (and thus a Lesser effect). As a guideline, ask whether a mundane bystander would believe that the effect could have occurred naturally. For example, a lightning bolt striking someone under a stormy sky is believable – but a lightning bolt shooting out of a mage’s fingertips, or striking someone under a clear sky, is not. When in doubt, treat it as a Greater effect (see p. 34).

Here's a first attempt at reworking Lesser/Greater Effects for a DF campaign. These are explicitly guidelines, however - the GM is free to decide that any specific effect is actually a Greater or Lesser effect. However, whether it's a Greater or Lesser effect has absolutely nothing to do with how flashy the spell is.

In general, anything exceeding these limits should be considered a Greater Effect. The GM is allowed to rule otherwise if he believes the ability is particularly powerful/weak, however!

  • Afflictions: +10 Energy/+50% as an Enhancement
  • Altered Traits (Disadvantages): +30 Energy/-30 in Disadvantages
  • Altered Traits (Advantages): +60 Energy/+60 Character Points
  • Area of Effect: +3 Energy/3 Yard Radius OR 3 Yard Wide Cone
  • Selective Area: Always a Greater Effect
  • Bonus or Penalty: +80 Energy/Broad modifier of +/- 5, Moderate of +/- 6, Single of +/- 7
  • Damage: +0 Energy/2d Malediction, 4d Explosion, 6d Blatant
  • Duration: +5 Energy/6 Hour
  • Enhancements: +3 Energy/+150% in Enhancements
  • Extra Energy: Unlimited
  • Healing: +0 Energy/1d
  • Meta-Magic: Unlimited
  • Range: +10/100 Yards OR +2/1 Mile
  • Speed: +10/100 Yards/Second
  • Subject Weight: +4/1000 lbs

First, I'd like to introduce a modifier for Ritual Adept:

Next, some extra advantages:

While you can use normal conditional rituals or charms, you can also Pre-Cast a ritual. This counts as a conditional ritual in all ways - it takes up a conditional ritual slot, it needs a Lesser Control Magic effect, etc. It works similarly to a break-to-cast Charm, with the following exceptions:

  • It is not tied to a physical object, so it can neither be stolen nor can you give it to someone else to use
  • It does not take an extra thirty minutes to prepare, but it only lasts until the next break of dawn (or, possibly, for 24 hours)
  • You can not claim any bonus from a workspace kit, but neither do you suffer from lack-of-equipment penalties
  • It requires a Concentrate maneuver to cast, rather than a Ready maneuver

A further note of clarification: Pre-Cast rituals and Charms that are simply holding a ritual to be used upon breaking the Charm do not count as 'active' rituals for the stacking rules (MH 37).

Instead of bogging down gameplay with all the rolls needed to Pre-Cast all of the chosen spells at the beginning of the game, a Wizard should only prepare a list of spells to Pre-Cast and record the circumstances when he was preparing - what Grimoires he had available, whether he was casting at a location of magical potency, etc. Only roll when actually attempting to use the Ritual, and use the Quick-and-Dirty Charm Creation rules (MH4 11). If you get a critical failure, this failure takes effect immediately, when the spell was used, not when the spell was originally Pre-Cast. Further, assume all Pre-Casting takes the same amount of time - twelve times the normal energy accumulation interval (a total of one minute for an Adept without Faster Casting, or one hour for someone without either Faster Casting or Ritual Adept, doubled if using a Grimoire).