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[[File:Endzeit Boneyard.jpg|thumb|Los Angeles today]]
[[File:Endzeit Boneyard.jpg|thumb|Boneyard (Los Angeles)]]
  '''Population:''' 1000+ (PR:3)            '''Government:''' Ruled by Gangs
  '''Population:''' 1000+ (PR:3)            '''Government:''' Ruled by Gangs
  '''Control Rating:''' 1                    '''Techlevel:''' 4; up to TL7 (Gunrunners)
  '''Control Rating:''' 1                    '''Techlevel:''' 4; up to TL7 (Gunrunners)

Version vom 20. Februar 2012, 18:23 Uhr

The southwestern USA


Population: 20+ (PR:1)             Government: Clan/Tribal
Control Rating: 2                  Techlevel: 3

Arroyo is a small isolated village of hunter-gatherers in southwest Oregon founded by the Vault Dweller after he was exiled from Vault 13 by the Overseer. After the Enclave's destruction, the refugees of Arroyo and Vault 13 resettled, building the tow of New Arroyo on the site of the old village with the aid of the Garden of Eden Creation Kit.


Boneyard (Los Angeles)
Population: 1000+ (PR:3)             Government: Ruled by Gangs
Control Rating: 1                    Techlevel: 4; up to TL7 (Gunrunners)

The Boneyard, or Angel's Boneyard, is what remains of Los Angeles, named so both for its decimated skyscrapers, reduced to their metal "skeleton", and for skeletons of the dead that littered the city after the Great War. The headquarters of Vault-Tec was located somewhere in the Los Angeles area, and a Vault-Tec demonstration Vault, which was not part of the Vault Experiment, was built there.

LA was pretty much decimated during the Great War. The majority of people in LA are people who came to the city after the destruction. Most to scavenge what they could, be it equipment, food or people. Los Angeles houses gunrunners, gangs, and various people with delusions of grandeur. The largest concentration of people live in a "suburb" called Adytum.

Most people in LA died after the bombs dropped, due to radiation poisoning, disease, famine (and each other). Some, however, took shelter in the demonstration Vault, and eventually most of them emerged in 2092, founding the Boneyard. Many of them were the founders of Adytum, a fenced town in the suburbs of the old Los Angeles. Some, however, founded other communities, like the Blades, the Rippers, the Followers of the Apocalypse and the Gun Runners.

In 2155, the Master learned the location of the LA Vault, conquered the inhabitants and set up operations there, and the human cultists began to use the Vault as their powerbase. Eventually, a monumental building known as the Cathedral was constructed above the Vault. The Cultists thus became known as the Children of the Cathedral. Of those that remained in the Vault, most became the Master's servants and members of the Children of the Cathedral. Those that left could be part of almost any organization in LA.

In the 2150s, a pack of deathclaws appeared in the Boneyard, taking over the base of the Rippers. In 2159 Jon Zimmerman, the town's mayor, hired a band of mercenaries known as the Regulators to help protect Adytum from the deathclaw and the odd random attack by raiders, who by 2161 were in control of Adytum.

The Cathedral was destroyed in 2162 either by a man known as the Vault Dweller or by the Master himself, when he learned that his super mutants were sterile.

By 2241, Los Angeles became one of the states of the New California Republic and Adytum became known as New Adytum.

Broken Hills

Broken Hills
Population: 300+ (PR:2)             Government: Representative Democracy
Control Rating: 2                   Techlevel: 5

Shortly after the Master's defeat, super mutant Marcus wandered aimlessly until he encountered Jacob, a Brotherhood of Steel paladin in a Power Armor who had pledged himself to the extermination of all mutants. Marcus and Jacob fought for a day or two, but they soon realized the futility of their battle and became friends (though Marcus always thought that Jacob would have been improved by a dip in the FEV vats, while Jacob disagreed, which was always a bone of contention between the two). As they wandered through the wastes, they attracted a following of other refugees from the war, who believed that Marcus's strength and Jacob's power armor gave them the closest thing available to safety. Eventually, Marcus and Jacob lead the refugees to settling in Broken Hills to exploit the uranium mine there.

Broken Hills uranium mine is worked on by the towns super mutant population. The radiation in the mine has minimal effect on them and their great strength aids in the physically taxing labor. The mine however does require an air purifier as toxic gas build up makes the mine inoperable less it is regularly filtered. The towns life blood comes from the uranium mine. Broken Hills has its own operational refinery operated by ghouls. If you can purchase uranium ore from a caravan the refinery will produce refined uranium for you. The town is powered by a small reactor that runs off of uranium slugs. This produces ample power for the Broken Hills community. The uranium trade runs to the NCR and Vault City as well as trafficking Brahmin Herds across the wastes. The uranium trade is so important to so many towns existence that Vault City will check their unabiding bigotry for outsiders and mutants and trade valuable medical supplies and money for uranium ore. Ever since the mines air purifier broke down uranium production has halted leading to an economic crisis in Broken Hills.

With the vast demographics and races occupying Broken Hills, a rift between the super mutants, ghouls and select humans groups has grown. This has culminated in a conspiracy to rid Broken Hills of it's mutated brethren through a conspiracy led by human purist and store owner Joseph. The conspiracy has resulted in the arrest and incarceration of several of Josephs supporters as well as the murder of several civilians dumped deep in the towns caves and sewers to attempt at destabilizing Broken Hills and starting conflict. Joseph also sabotaged the mines air purifier temporarily halting mine operation. he ultimately hoped to detonate the purifier and bring the whole mine down on all super mutants working inside. In opposition to Joseph are the mines foreman and the super mutant Francis.

The Den

The Den
Population: 1500+ (PR:2)             Government: Ruled by Gangs
Control Rating: 0                   Techlevel: 5

The dangerous Den is a safe haven for drug and slave trading. In some ways, the Den might be considered a "mini-New Reno." They are both semi-stable anarchies with no central authority: while the Den is more focused on slaving, and New Reno is more focused on prostitution, they both share an economy dependent on gambling, prostitution, drugs, and slavery.

Gambling is under the control of Rebecca Dyer, who also sells the cheapest alcohol in the Den, as she has her own still, rather than importing it from New Reno. Uncharacteristically given both her location and her business, she is an scrupulous and decent woman, and a passionate opponent of the slave trade that underpins the Den's economy. Her craps tables are unique in the game in that they are truly (pseudo)- random like an honest game of craps (although, unlike a real game of craps, there are ways of playing it that allow the player to beat the house on average). Her tables do not check the player's gambling skill.

For those residents of the Den who tire of the booze, whores, theft, drugs, and slavery that are so widespread in most of the Den, Mom's restaurant provides a welcome respite. Mom ensures that the atmosphere is respectful and bans fighting, cursing, and unlike most Den businesses (but like the Slaver's Guild), no orphan children stand outside her doors stealing from those who enter or leave. Mom specializes in rat dishes, offering rat-loaf, rat-pie, and spaghetti with rat sauce. Smitty, also one of the more respectable people in the Den, is a local mechanic. He has a Chrysalis Highwayman in near-perfect condition, but it lacks a Fuel Cell Controller. He also occasionally sells other things, such as microfusion cells and super tool kits.

There are two shops in the Den: Tubby and Flick. Tubby's is mostly focused on selling drugs, whereas Flick's sells a wider variety of goods. Both merchants' shops are supplied, at least in part, by orphaned children who stand beside the doorways of shops and steal from passersby, but Flick's in particular depends on this.

Prostitution is primarily under the control of Frankie, proprietor of the Hole. He also sells drinks imported from New Reno, and is amazed and angry that Becky can sell her drinks so cheaply. Another businessman of the Den styles himself "The Great Ananias". He claims to have found a great "jan-u-wine" (genuine) mummy and to have a haunted house next door. In fact, the "mummy" is a sleeping, comatose ghoul named Woody. The haunted house has more basis in fact: Anna Winslow's ghost recently has become restless because her locket was stolen from the haunted house by Joey, a local thug and jet dealer.

Finally, the richest and most powerful business in the Den is the Slaver's Guild. Headed by Metzger, this heavily-fortified guild prevents casual infiltration and ensures member loyalty by tattooing its symbol on the foreheads of all members. It sells slaves to New Reno and Vault City. Although Metzger's primary investments are in the slave trade, he also is looking for a way into the drug business as well. In the current arrangement, raw chemicals from Vault City are exported to New Reno, where the families, especially the Mordinos, synthesize them into drugs. Metzger seeks to short-cut this chain by synthesizing the chemicals in the Den, but his teams have made little headway in deciphering the manufacturing process.


Population: 300+ (PR:2)             Government: Dictatorship
Control Rating: 3                   Techlevel: 5; Power TL7

Gecko is a ghoul town northeast of Vault City. Its economy is based on the operation of an old, half-functional Poseidon Energy nuclear power plant. Harold is the de facto mayor of Gecko, while he is assisted by Lenny, who also serves as Gecko's doctor. The power plant is administered by Festus.

Gecko's citizens are divided between the renewal cultists and the more ordinary ghouls, who resent the cult. The renewal cultists seek to "renew," i.e. become human again. They are headed by a giant, sentient mole rat who lives in an underground cave adjacent to the reactor, known as the Brain, who seeks to take over the world. In the short term, he seeks to build an alliance between Gecko and Vault City based on power from Gecko being sent to Vault City in exchange for medical research on how to "restore" the ghouls to humanity. The cult is symbolized by the ankh, and its members wear ankh necklaces.

The Harp is a bar tended by Wooz. It serves the usual drinks of Gecko, specialized for ghouls' unique resistance to radiation: Gamma Gulp Beer and Roentgen Rum. Wooz is a rather eccentric ghoul: he tells strange stories of severed heads in hell and is obsessed with playing Tragic: the Garnering, although he isn't as good as it as he thinks.

The Survival Gear Locker is a general store of Gecko. Percival Crump, a.k.a. Percy owns this store. He offers a decent selection of rad-resistance drugs, weapons, and ammunition. His friend, Woody. has recently gone missing.

The Manager's Office is the seat from which Harold tries to keep Gecko together. It supplies part requisition forms and oversees reports concerning the power plant.

Skeeter is a "ghoul gadgeteer" who serves as a sort of mechanic for Gecko. He can perform weapon upgrades and, more importantly, has a fuel cell controller. However, he is considered unreliable by the ghouls who administer Gecko's supply locker/storage room, since he once caused a fire, and as such he is typically denied part requisition forms. He is assisted by "Lumpy" John, a human refugee from Vault City who has no visible mutations like the ghouls, but is considered unacceptably mutated by the Citizens in Vault City because of his unusual resistance to radiation. Lumpy also helps guard Gecko's brahmin.

Gordon is a ghoul who believes that if everyone would follow their own self-interest, everyone would be better off. He proudly believes that greed is good, and wants to optimize Gecko's power plant and establish trade with Vault City based on their mutual self-interests. He is also a member of the renewal cult.

Finally, the nuclear power plant is the heart of Gecko's economy. The plant's supply cabinet and storage room are administered by Jeremy, the plant overall is managed by Festus, and the reactor control room is watched by Hank.

Hoover Dam

Population: 800+ (PR:2)             Government: Representative Democracy
Control Rating: 2                   Techlevel: 5

The town of Hoover Dam is a town built along the top and sides of the dam. At the bottom of the dam there's a slummy area, and the dam's rim is home to all the rich folk and military.

The Dam became part of the New California Republic some time after 2242. The town has lost contact with the central government of the NCR in Shady Sands, and Governor Joseph Dodge, the leader of Hoover Dam assumed that it was destroyed by the remains of the Enclave (possibly from Navarro). He's determined to hold the NCR together, and declared himself the president of NCR (or what is left of it). Unfortunately, Dodge is a weak leader, and he fights an ongoing war with the Brotherhood of Steel.


Population: 300+ (PR:2)             Government: Dictatorship
Control Rating: 2                   Techlevel: 4
  • Stellt her: Getreide, Mais, Kartoffeln, Saatgut, Snake Squeezin'
  • Verbraucht: Munition, Treibstoff, Medizin, technische Geräte

Die Spieler starten in der kleinen, unabhängigen Gemeinde Eureka mit ca. 1000 Einwohnern im ehemaligen Bundesstaat Nevada. Eureka verfügt über eine Quelle die genügend Trinkwasser für die Bewohner und Bewässerung für die Felder liefert. Es wird vornehmlich Mais, Weizen und Kartoffeln angebaut. Aus den Kartoffeln wird ein Schnaps gebrannt, den die Einheimischen "Snake Squeezin" nennen.

Eureka wird ab und an von Raidern angegriffen. Die gut organisierte Bürgerwehr konnte aber bis jetzt immer alle Angriffe abwehren. Neben Pistolen und Revolvern hat die Bürgerwehr Kampfhunde und die zehn Besten Kämpfer haben Gewehre.

Um Dinge zu erhalten die von Eureka nicht selbst hergestellt werden können (Munition, Treibstoff, technische Geräte, Medikamente) wird im Herbst jeweils die grosse Handelskolonne losgeschickt mit den Gütern die Eureka zu viel produziert hat. Der Trek führt nach Carlin, einer alten Goldgräberstadt die etwa doppelt so gross wie Eureka selbst ist und 100 Meilen entfernt im Norden liegt. Der Trek verlangt den Händlern und seinen Begleitern viel ab, die Strassen (wenn vorhanden) sind schlecht - die Reise dauert ca. 20 Tage für einen Weg. Daraus hat sich ein Initationsritus für junge Erwachsene entwickelt. Jeder der ein richtiger Eurekaner werden will muss mindestens einmal in seinem Leben den Trek begleitet haben, ansonsten erhält man kein Stimmrecht in Eureka und wird gesellschaftlich geschnitten. Die Abfahrt des Treks ist jeweils am 1. Oktober jeden Jahres. Die Heimkehr der Trekker wird von den Bewohnern gespannt erwartet und kulminiert in einem grossen Erntedankfest welches Traditionell gegen Ende November stattfindet.

Gästen gegenüber ist man misstrauisch, lässt sie aber im Schiefer Kaktus übernachten. Wasser und Verpflegung für 20 Tage (Pro Person) können Gäste im Kaktus kaufen.

Im Norden hat es noch die Ortschaft Beowawe, die aber eine Geisterstadt und somit unbewohnt ist. In Beowawe hat es ein grosses Geothermie Kraftwerk und an einer alten Eisenbahnlinie grosse Proprantanks.

The Hub

The Hub
Population: 12000+ (PR:4)             Government: Ruled by Guilds
Control Rating: 3                     Techlevel: 6+1

The Hub is a major trading city in Fallout. It is a large community of traders, barterers, gamblers, and other interesting scum. The Hub is a stopover point for caravans north to Shady Sands and Junktown and south to the Boneyard. The wide variety of people passing through ensures that there is always something interesting going on. The town, not unlike New Reno, is divided into districts controlled by powerful groups (only merchants not mafia). Unlike New Reno, however, the town has a neutral police.

The Hub was founded in 2092 by a man named Angus, who set up camp around a filthy oasis in the desert, and proceeded to begin trading with other settlements.

In 2096, a man called Harold rose to the level of a caravan boss in the Hub. His caravans suffered occasional attacks in the wastes, but Harold's caravan outfit survived and prospered... until the mutant attacks begin to pick up a few years later. Increasing mutant attacks on Harold's caravans caused Harold to get so pissed, in 2102 he financed an adventuring party to try and find out where these damnable mutants were coming from. Consulting with a scientist and doctor at the Hub, a man by the name of Grey, the two of them decide to join forces. A few months later, Harold was found by traders and taken back to the Hub. But he wasn't human anymore - he was mutating into a ghoul-like mutant. His former caravan partners and employees, horrified by his condition, abandoned him left him without even two bottlecaps to rub together. However, he soon became the leader of the Hub's small ghoul population.

In 2120 Angus established himself as the governor of the growing Hub. Five years later he managed to stop the Vipers' attempt to raid the Hub. In the winter of the same year, however, he was murdered, which threw the Hub into chaos. In 2125 the Great Merchant Wars started when a band of merchants seized the water tower in the Hub. They demanded anyone wanting water must pay a toll. The war lasted for 2 years. The Water Merchants sealed up the town, but were outnumbered. A man named Roy Greene (Justin Greene's grandfather) made the peace and negotiated a settlement. The Hub's Central Council was formed, composed of two representatives from each of the Hub caravan companies. A long period of indecisiveness and meetings maintain the status quo in the Hub.

In 2131, the Master began ordering his super mutants to gather human stock from caravans. For many years, the caravan disappearances were blamed on monsters in the desert, and even when the abductions begin to occur on Hub caravans, the deathclaws were blamed.

The Hub Underground was formed by a man called Decker in 2140, who quickly started pulling the strings in the town.

The three merchant groups running the town are the Water Merchants, Crimson Caravan and the Far Go Traders. The Underground is led by Decker. There is also the Thieves' Guild, which is led by Loxley. The Hub was overrun by fleeing mutants after the Vault Dweller destroyed the Master and the vats. Though much of the city was razed it managed to survive and joined the NCR. Representatives in the NCR congress from the Hub call themselves "Governors."


Population: 2000+ (PR:3)              Government: Representative Democracy
Control Rating: 1                     Techlevel: 4

Junktown is one of the smaller towns in southern California. It was founded soon after the War by a soldier called Darkwater. Instead of the ruins of an old town, he thought it would be better to begin from the ground up. As the name suggests, it was built after the Great War out of random pieces of junk, mostly of broken cars. The town mostly lives out of trading and has a reputation of open hospitality.

Around 2161, the mayor of Junktown was Killian Darkwater, grandson of the town's founder, who also ran a general store, Dark Waters. Another big player in the town was Gizmo, a small-time crook and casino owner. While Gizmo's casino brought a lot of tourists and money into the town, problems also came with it. Other important places in Junktown at that time included Crash-House Inn, home to the Skulz and the Skum Pitt, a bar owned by Neal. Doc Morbid was the town's doctor. Tycho, a Wasteland Ranger, also resided in Junktown for a while at that time.

Drawing weapons in town is not permitted except in self-defense. The gates to the town are closed in the night. In 2161, Lars headed the guards in Junktown, working for Killian Darkwater. The gates were guarded by Kalnor. They also had a jail, which is guarded by Andrew. The guards were aware of the illegal activities of Gizmo and the Skulz, but they didn't want to act without proper evidence.

In 2161, Gizmo hired a man to assassinate Killian, in order to gain full control over the town. Unfortunately for him, in December 2161 Gizmo was eventually killed by a man known as the Vault Dweller, who earlier helped Killian gather evidence of Gizmo's involvement in the assassination plot. Killian then took firm control of Junktown, drove out the last of Gizmo's kind, and then enforced his own brand of frontier justice.

By 2241, Junktown has become a member of the New California Republic. Currently, it is part of the state Shady.


Population: 350+ (PR:2)               Government: Representative Democracy
Control Rating: 1                     Techlevel: 4

Klamath is a town built upon the ruins of the city of Klamath Falls in Southern Oregon.

It is a small community of trappers that hunt the giant, mutant lizards called geckos in the area. Highly prized for their pelts, geckos and golden are the lifeblood of this small community. Klamath is the stopping point for caravans on their way to the tiny tribal villages to the north like Arroyo, and also serves as a place where members of those tribes can come and exchange information, goods, and news about the larger world.

Lost Hills Bunker

Population: 1000+ (PR:3)              Government: Council of Elders
Control Rating: 2                     Techlevel: 6+4 - 9+1

Lost Hills is an old government bunker in Southern California; the headquarters of the Brotherhood of Steel. Lost Hills is located northwest of Junktown and the Hub, southeast of the Mariposa Military Base and south of Vault 13.

During the Great War, the Mariposa Military Base soldiers were protected from the radiation and FEV flooding the wasteland. Two days later, a scout Power Armor (Platner) was sent out to get specific readings on the atmosphere. He reported no significant radiation in the area surrounding the facility. After burying the scientists in the wastes outside of Mariposa, the soldiers sealed the military base, then headed out into the desert, taking supplies and weapon schematics with them. Captain Roger Maxson led his men and families to the government bunker at Lost Hills, and this event was later called the Exodus. In November, Maxson and his men, and their families, arrive at the Lost Hills later, suffering many casualties along the way, including Maxson's wife (but not his teenage son). The Lost Hills bunker became the headquarters of the newly formed Brotherhood of Steel.


Population: 350+ (PR:2)               Government: Dictatorship
Control Rating: 1                     Techlevel: 4

Modoc is a small farming community located west from Vault City. A dwindling collection of survivalists, Modoc is built on the edge of the former Modoc National Forest. For a long time it traded in leather and meat from Brahmin, but as other places were offering the same goods at cheaper rates, and people began herding and raising their own Brahmin, Modoc has been on the decline. It is mostly a sleepy mountain community, with a centrally located Bed and Breakfast for the traveler. Modoc is beginning to change to a trade city, taking its cue as a stopover place for the Vault City trade routes, but the change may not be enough to save it.


Population: 4000+ (PR:3, all Ghouls)  Government: Dictatorship
Control Rating: 2                     Techlevel: 4

The Necropolis, a town built upon the charred remains of Bakersfield, is the grim aftermath of Vault 12; it is best described by Killian Darkwater: "The climate ain't good, rain or shine." The true purpose of that vault was to keep the doors open regardless of the conditions, which spelled disaster to anyone attempting to seek relief from the radiated aftermath of the Great War. The residents of the Necropolis were ghouls, individuals ravaged by the effects of radiation after the Great War. To most of post-War California's residents Necropolis was a haunted city, at times a myth used to frighten children, a "city of cannibals" inhabited by brain-eating ghouls.

On October 23, 2077 the bombs were launched; who struck first is unknown... and it is not even known if the bombs came from China or America. Air raid sirens sounded, but very few people went into vaults, thinking it was a false alarm. Once it became known that the other vaults were sealed, the people of Bakersfield attempted to force their way into Vault 12 to protect themselves and their families.

In the summer of 2083, the city of Necropolis was founded by the ghoul survivors of Vault 12. In spring of 2084, Set took control of Necropolis, wresting control from the original Overseer. The Vault 12 Overseer, not willing to take a dirtnap, was driven north and history lost sight of him.

In 2157, the Master learned the location of the Bakersfield Vault, and sent a detachment of super mutants there to seize the vault. Many ghouls are snapped like twigs in the attack, and Set finally parleys with the super mutants, telling them that the ghouls are the Vault survivors the super mutants are looking for. The super mutants, angered at failing to find an intact Vault, set up a small garrison at the watershed to watch the inhabitants and insure Set's... cooperation in the war to come.

In March of 2162, the super mutant army attacked Necropolis, killing many of the town's inhabitants. Most ghouls, however, managed to escape, leading to the Great Migration across the wastes to towns such as Gecko, Dayglow and Broken Hills.

The ghoul population was divided into three groups:

  • The surface dwellers were what could be called the public face of Necropolis, as they were by far the most numerous of the three groups, and controlled most of the city's surface. They were typically the first thing outsiders encountered in Necropolis, and were likely the cause of the aforementioned rumors surrounding the City of the Dead. Their operations were based out of the Hall of the Dead, where their leader Set did his business. Paranoid and intolerant of outsiders and non-ghouls, the surface dwellers were often violent, attacking strangers on sight and harboring a particularly deep hatred of super mutants. This was most likely due to the super mutant garrison newly established around Necropolis' important. Though Talius mentions heated resistance to the super mutant presence in the city by Set's surface dwellers, by the time the Vault Dweller arrives there appears to be a sort of stalemate between the two groups, though Set does not hesitate in employing the outsider to eliminate the super mutants garrison.
  • The Glowing Ones were heavily irradiated ghouls who lived in the old Vault 12. Shunned by even their own kind, they hate other ghouls as much as they do normal humans.
  • The so-called underground ghouls, who were forced to live in the city's sewers, though they were by far the most peaceful of Necropolis' residents and were much more tolerant of outsiders than either of the other groups.

New California Republic

Population: 3000+ (PR:3)              Government: Representative Democracy
Control Rating: 3                     Techlevel: 6+1

The city of New California Republic (or NCR; previously known as Shady Sands) is the capitol of a federation of Northern California towns of the same name. It is west of the Rockies, in the middle-eastern portion of California (almost straight east and inland from San Francisco). The NCR is arguably the largest known power group in the world of Fallout, and maintains the largest standing army.

The government of NCR is much like the Pre-War United States, with a House of Congress staffed by elected representatives (Congressmen elected by their states). These representatives decide upon the President and Vice-President to head the council and govern the republic - under advice from the representatives, of course (NCR, at the time, has no existing term limits - Tandi was currently serving her tenth year at the beginning of Fallout 2). The titles for these representatives have ranged from "Councilor," "Counselor," "Councilman," "Representative," "Senator," and in particular, the Hub (in its own obstinate way) prefers to call their representatives "Governors." (There is a lot of friction between the Hub and Shady for a variety of reasons, usually related to trade rights and caravan routes.) In any event, all titles are recognized and accepted outside of the council chambers, but within the chambers, the titles are occasionally used as insults and spark furious debates - nothing more than petty displays of each state trying to exert its independence.

NCR has outlawed slavery in their territories, have one of the best and largest standing armies in the wastes, and have benefited under their current President, Tandi, who has been with the Republic since she was a young girl in Shady Sands (see History, below). On the plus side, the NCR has outlawed slavery in their territories, has attempted to bring civilization and law back to the wasteland, and they don't (openly) discriminate against ghouls and mutants.

There is little to no sexism in NCR (unlike most other territories in the wastes), most likely due to the community's origins in Vault 15 and because of Tandi's extended presidency. The republic also has shown little discrimination against ghouls and mutants, though many political analysts argue that this is because NCR has had limited contact with them (NCR had little contact with Necropolis or the Master's Army).

While Aradesh believed in the teachings of Dharma, Tandi always believed in the separation of church and state - and resisted any attempts to canonize the Vault Dweller within the city limits (the statue's fine, but that's it). Both Aradesh and Tandi found politics and religion don't mix, especially when they got more exposure to the people of the Hub and visits from a few well-spoken members of the Followers of the Apocalypse. In any event, the NCR allows any non-psychotic religions within their capitol (they are all for freedom of religion, as long as it doesn't involve human sacrifice or dipping people in Vats).

The NCR military is composed of several Divisions, including special cavalry and mechanized units. One of their "Special Forces" units consists of the New California Rangers, a select group that is pledged to protect the people of the Wastes much like the Texas Rangers of old. The Rangers are said to have numerous safehouses throughout the wastes, and they use these to strike at slavers outside of NCR territory (usually in the North). As expected, the two groups hate each other with a passion. NCR was also in the habit of establishing marshals in the major population centers in their territories, responsible for enforcing the laws of NCR throughout the Republic. Ghouls, super mutants, and humans were all known to serve in the NCR armed forces, even in the rangers.

Although nearly hitting a hundred years of age, Tandi has done more to unite the people of the wastes than any other leader born from the ashes of the Great War, and she is revered as a saint and even a "Great Mother" by some of the tribals outside of the Republic territories. Tandi's State of the Republic messages were famous for inspiring countless people to join the "service" and rebuild civilization. Under her rule, the republic has grown, and she has focused efforts on rebuilding the pre-war infrastructure to support the growing population, finding new forms of transportation and manufacturing, clearing roadways and rail lines, building forts, fostering caravans and trade in the republic (and with other territories), and dealing with threats swiftly and efficiently. In all her years, she has never forgotten her roots in the small village of Fallout 1, and she has always strived to put the welfare of the common man above the wheels of progress. When people talk about "good people," Tandi is good people.

Common NCR Laws include:

  • No weapons may be carried openly within the city limits.
  • Public drunkenness and drug use is grounds for arrest.
  • Slavery, gambling, and prostitution are not permitted within the city limits.

These laws were more relaxed in the outlying settlements, but became more rigidly enforced the closer one came to a major NCR population center.

The New California Republic was born out of the remnants of the survivors of Vault 15, a sister vault to Vault 13 that opened earlier and released its occupants out onto the wasteland. Abandoning their vault (after scavenging most of what they could from the surviving technology and collapsed lower levels), the former residents of Vault 15 founded the small walled community of Shady Sands, a town midway between Vault 13 and 15. In the period of Fallout 1, this community was led by Aradesh and his daughter, Tandi, eventually rose to become president of the sprawling New California Republic in Fallout 2. (Without the efforts of the Vault Dweller in F1, however, the raiders in the region - the Khans - would have claimed Shady Sands and stamped out the republic before it even got started). At the time of Fallout 2, NCR's main resource are its great brahmin herds, which provide most of the wasteland with as much meat and leather as they require. The brahmin barons and ranchers in NCR (along with the Stockmen's Association) hold a great deal of sway with the caravans and the government.

The NCR's relationship with their old Vault has undergone some violent upheavals over the years. From nests of monsters, raiders, Vault 15 worshipers, ghoul scavengers, to more innocent (and not-so-innocent) Squatters and Salvage Teams and the Republic arguing over excavation rights, it seems to be difficult for the government or any other inhabitant of the wasteland to leave the area alone... because, well, it's a Vault.

The brahmin herders hatred of radscorpions is famous, and it dates all the way back to the founding of Shady Sands. Rumors of herds being attacked by talking deathclaws are unfounded.

Even though the relationship between the NCR and the Brotherhood of Steel was never without some tensions, it got much worse when Jeremy Maxson became the leader of the Brotherhood. He favored a return to power by wresting all advanced tech from the hands of "lesser people" by any means necessary. Some time after 2242 the war with the New California Republic was announced.

For years the war waged on and was considered a victory for the Brotherhood of Steel. However, no matter how many troops fell to the Brotherhood's superior technology, the NCR always seemed to have more replacements available. The Brotherhood, however, was not so fortunate. Being an elitist group, replacements were short in arriving. It soon became obvious that the Brotherhood was doomed to lose the war to the NCR's greater numbers. Moral at the bunker began to falter as the war seemed more and more hopeless. Eventually the inevitable happened. Lower ranking members of the Brotherhood began to desert their posts.

NCR has a decent marketing and public relations department, and they are constantly sending couriers out into the wastes to nail up NCR posters or disseminate NCR propaganda. Famous among these is the frontiersman Thomas Moore, who bravely enough is out in the breach, currently passing out anti-Vault City and pro-NCR propaganda in the middle of Vault City. Talk about brave, huh?

New Reno

Population: 4000+ (PR:3)              Government: Crime Families
Control Rating: 1                     Techlevel: 5

A large city, New Reno is known for its casinos, such as the Shark Club and the Desperado. It is home to, among many other things, the Golden Globes studio, the Jungle Gym and the Cat's Paw brothel. There is also a substantial weapons outfit called New Reno Arms. The town is currently run by four different families, the Mordinos, the Bishops, the Wrights, and the Salvatores, all of which are willing to make The Chosen One a Made Man in exchange for a little help. The Las Vegas of the wastes, if you will.

Reno was spared the atomic fire of the Great War, but with the destruction of the rest of the United States, law and order broke down as mobster families ascended to power. To this day, New Reno has no official government or police force. However, aside from their internecine conflicts, the families generally keep order and make the city safe for tourists from the wastes, sending any trouble makers who disrupt the tourist trade to Golgotha, a burial site near New Reno. The tourists are glad to partake of the gambling, prostitution, and drugs (particularly jet, which was developed near New Reno in the Stables by boy-genius Myron) offered by the city's mobsters. Jet is distributed from family supported dealers and independent ones alike such as Jagged Jimmy. New Reno, lead by the Mordino family, is scheming to take over Redding, primarily by addicting Redding's miners to jet en masse. New Reno also acts as a major trading partner in the Big Circle trading Brahmin, as well as trading routes between The Den for slaves and chemicals from Vault City caravans. Both these trades are overseen by the head of the Slavers Guild, Metzger.


Population: 800+ (PR:2)               Government: Crime Families
Control Rating: 2                     Techlevel: 4

Redding is a mining town, located south of Vault City. There are two major mining companies in Redding, as well as a saloon, a sheriff and a doctor. The mayor of Redding, Ascorti, runs an establishment called Ascorti's Ace casino. Redding mines gold for shipment to New Reno and the New California Republic, and the miners are some of the largest consumers of Reno's drugs.

The town is a collection of wooden buildings, and can be a wild and wooly place. There is no real police force to speak of, and the mining companies deal with internal disputes. A Sheriff exists, but mainly works as a mediator between different mining companies. Redding has also been avoiding the influence of the NCR, although there are elements in town that strongly favor joining, if just to get rid of the rampant drug problem.

Although Redding may appear unassuming it has great economic clout. Redding is northern California's primary producer and distributor of gold. Being the center of gold mining several larger political factions have volleyed for control of Redding to gain dominance in the gold trade. The two largest competitors for Redding are the NCR and New Reno run by the Mordino family. Mordino looks to fuel and exploit the growing jet addiction of Redding miners to create a broken town dependent on Mordino's drugs. The NCR offers law and security in exchange for Redding's wealth and sovereignty. Redding is also a stop during Brahmin drives and part of the Big Circle. Caravans from Redding head in all directions, to NCR, Vault City, and New Reno.

The primary political division in Redding exists over the growing drug issues and the future governance of Redding. The two large mining companies in Redding primarily dictate policy however they are divided by bitter hatred toward each other's policies. Marge LeBarge the owner of the Kokoweef Mine supports merging with the NCR. The Morningstar Mine run by "Dangerous" Dan McGrew is in favor of alliance with New Reno. Thev dispute often culminates in tensions and violence occasionally, usually down at the Malamute Saloon. In addition to the political division Reno is struggling to contain its drug problem and the law enforcement is taxed thin particularly after the sheriff had his leg accosted by a gecko. Further havoc is being sewn by a band of gangsters led by Frog Morton of the Morton Brothers. Mayor Ascorti is a questionable politician as well as apearing to be primarily a profiteer. His motives all seem to be generated by money as seen by his gambling hall and high rent demanded of impoverished elderly citizens.

San Francisco

Population: 6000+ (PR:3, mostly Shi)               Government: Dictatorship
Control Rating: 2                     Techlevel: 8

San Francisco is a city in Northern California. After the Great War, its population consists mostly of the Shi, who are the descendants of the crew of a Chinese submarine that crashed there, and of the members of a religious cult known as the Hubologists.

The Shi have managed to keep many of their old traditions and customs, which is more than many American groups can say. Somehow, the city was spared a good deal of destruction, although radiation levels were high for a while. As of 2242, two clans currently battle for control of San Francisco, and the style of martial arts that will reign in the future. The Shi manage to run an extensive weapons trade, offering pieces of technology usually only available to groups like the Brotherhood of Steel. Where they manage to get these items is unknown.

There is also a population of artists, disenchanted people from various cities, and ex-military personnel that have taken over an old oil tanker still floating in the harbor. They will usually trade expertise for goods, although they prefer to be left alone.

The third major group, which does not trade, is a religious community called the Hubologists. They are obsessed with an old space shuttle they found parked at the airport, and are attempting to make it fly again, so they can join their "gods" in the heavens above.

The New California Republic has little influence in San Francisco, and the Shi are quite happy to avoid them while the Hubologists don’t concern themselves with such things.

There are few foreigners in San Fran and newcomers are easily noticed. Due to its location in between the Military Base, Navarro and a highly desolate flat patch of hazardous land in the wastes it is logical to assume few but heavily armed caravans traverse these paths. Super Mutants and remnants of the Masters army, Enclave Patrols, Press gangs, Hubologists, and aliens plague the surrounding area making it inaccessible to weak or crudely armed travelers.

San Francisco is populated by the Shi and governed by the Emperor. The Emperor and his aids live in a steel palace on the east side of San Fran. The palace contains vast and advanced scientific labs of various fields and the scientists working there are some of the best in the wasteland. Their main opposition are the Hubologists who have scientists of their own yet have proven to be significantly behind the technological innovation of the Shi.

The Brotherhood of Steel has a large outpost stationed in San Francisco. The outpost is indiscernible from other Brotherhood outposts yet contains a more extensive basement stocked with Brotherhood technology and armaments. The brotherhood maintains a low profile and sails below anyones radar. This is a sign of the brotherhoods waning influence.

Vault City

Population: 4000+ (PR:3, mostly Slaves)               Government: Dictatorship
Control Rating: 4                     Techlevel: 6+1

Vault City was built with the help of a Garden of Eden Creation Kit by the vault dwellers who emerged from Vault 8. The city is built around the vault and run by the First Citizen. First Citizen Lynette runs Vault City with cold hands and an iron grip. The main style of the city is bureaucratic, sleek and antiseptic, with a lot of technology, rules, regulations and guards. The city is automatically antipathetic to all outsiders, and are pro-Slavers in policy, although they prefer the term "Servants". They claim that it's legitimate because they give the servants shelter, food and protection, but people like Thomas Moore object to this heavily, and calls it hypocrisy since they frown at those who openly call it slaves and do slaving (The Den, for instance). They won't share their technology with the outside world, either, because they view everyone else as "thieves and braggarts" of the wasteland.

Generally, the only normal way to become a Citizen of Vault City is to be born into it. Personal intervention by the Senior Councilor (currently McClure) or the First Citizen (currently Lynette) can grant a non-citizen citizenship (though this is never done lightly). In addition, non-citizens can take a citizenship test (administered by the Proconsul, currently Gregory), which is intentionally designed to be so difficult as to be virtually impossible (for someone of extraordinary intelligence, perception, and luck, it might be done, but the overwhelming majority of Vault City Citizens would fail it if they were required to take it).

Full Citizens have access to all of Vault City, including the original Vault 8 itself, although few people still use it much, except for its medical bay, and it is mostly used for storage (including a huge number of Water Chips, which were accidentally shipped to Vault 8 instead of Vault 13, while Vault 8's second GECK was shipped to Vault 13 instead of Vault 8).

While Citizens of Vault City have a high material standard of living compared to most other places in the Wastes, they pay a price for it in the form of a crushing sense of conformity and regulation in their lives. Many -- perhaps most -- Vault City Citizens never see Vault City's external courtyard (more on that below), let alone another city. Possibly because of chromosomal damage, they are unable to conceive children naturally and must use artificial insemination techniques in cycles which produce uniformly aged generations of children. They are forbidden the use of drugs such as buffout, jet, psycho, mentats, and natural alcohol, though artificial alcohol is still used in bars.

Day passes are issued to non-citizens able to provide a bona fide reason for entering Vault City, such as being slave, uranium, gold, or gecko pelt traders (though generally they are charged a hefty fee), diplomats, or other, exceptional reason, such as being a non-citizen agent of Vault City. Day passes allow a non-citizen access to Vault City proper during daylight hours, but not the original Vault 8 itself. While the customs office is nominally strict in its rules regarding the issuance of day passes, there are some corrupt elements willing to sell false citizenship papers.

Except slaves, non-citizens without a day pass are not permitted access to Vault City proper, but they are permitted access to the courtyard, a fenced off area outside of the "real" Vault City. The courtyard is kept peaceful and protected from the raiders of the wastes by Vault City, but its denizens are subjected to harsh rules and regulations and taxed heavily. Denizens of the courtyard feel squeezed between the desolate horror of the wastes outside and the suffocating repression of Vault City: they hold both new from the wasteland and the Citizens of Vault City in contempt.

Vault 8 was designed as the control group for the vault experiments. Opening ten years after the war it is in pristine condition. Every element of the vault is intact from the overseers chair to the original computer. It is off of the Vaults geothermal and nuclear energy production that Vault City's power is supplied, though it has quickly reached maximum capacity. The medical technology is the best in northern California. Annual inoculations are administered as well as advanced grafting technology and other methods stored in the database. It is from the vault that Vault City can produce and distribute medicine and chemicals for trade. The majority of the vault is now unoccupied and used for storage.