WH40k Inquisiton

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Am Anfang

Karte des Planeten

Der Inquisitor und seine Entourage treffen sich zur Lagebespechung im Aufenthaltsraum der Ember.


Karte des Sektors

Die Kampagne startet in der Drusus Marshes Region im Calixis Sektor, Segmentum Obscurus, auf der Hivewelt Laskin.


PCs als Entourage

Alpha Version des Skilltrees


  • Investigator - Wissenschaftler / Detektiv und Kämpfer
  • Psyker - Telekinet oder Telepath
  • Warrior - Mercenary, Guardsman, Assassin or other background

PCs als Space Marine Task Force

Kapitel "Avengers Azure"

Nachfolgekapitel der Ultramarines das sich dem Dienst der Inquisition verschrieben hat.

  • Devastator - Schwere Waffen
  • Assault - Nahkampf & Jumppack
  • Apotecary - Medic
  • Tactical - Multirole (Bolter, Granaten & Messer)
  • Librarian - Psyker
  • Chaplain - Nahkampf/Moral
  • Terminator - Schwerer Angriff
  • Dreadnaught - Schwere Waffenplattform

Space Marine Fahrzeuge

  • Lightning Abfangjäger - ok
  • Thunderhawk bewaffnetes Landeschiff - ok
  • Land Raider schwerer Transport/Kampfpanzer - not ok
  • Basisschiff Battle Barge "The Blue Wrath" - not ok
  • ect.

Inquisitor Selenus Serrano (NPC) - Ein Sehr starker Psyker und hervorragender Kämpfer, allerdings schon sehr alt. Er führt die Entourage und Task Force.

Shipmaster Erasmus Atranis (NPC) - Kapitän des von Selenus gecharterten Schiffs "Bright Ember"

Die Bright Ember - ok 300m, ein kleiner Sprint-Trader. Schwarz mit eleganter Form, von der Inquisition modifiziert (PSI-Channeling, PSI-Shield, Stealth, Bewaffnung auf dem Level einen weit grösseren Schiffes) 42 Crew & 200 Servitors

  • Aquila Lander - Leichtes bewaffnetes Landungsschiff
  • Shark-Class Assault Boat
  • verschiedene Hilfsshuttles
  • schwerer Transportlander
  • 4 leichte Jäger Typ "Fury"
  • 4 Lastwagen
  • 2 Personenwagen
  • 1 Personenwagen (schwebend)


Forbidden Lore

Forbidden Lore skills represent dangerous and often heretical knowledge gleaned from the myriad of unconventional sources an Acolyte often finds in his possession. This Skill represents a combination of scholarly learning and knowledge gained through practical experience. Simply possessing the Forbidden Lore skill is often sufficient to warrant termination at the hands of the Inquisition, and a character must tread carefully when revealing such knowledge. When making a Forbidden Lore Test you recall basic information about the subject. Each degree of success reveals a bit more information as determined by the GM. A character that learns the Forbidden Lore skill in play, or who uses it to gain some insight into the mysteries of the galaxy, may also gain a number of Corruption or Insanity Points, depending on the danger the knowledge represents. at the GM's discretion.

  • The Black Library: Secret knowledge of the Black library, its forbidden contents, strange industries and the unspeakable pale, hairless things that toil within its walls.
  • Cults: Knowledge of the most notorious Imperial Cults and some of their sub-sects and splinter cabals.
  • Daemonology: Terrible comprehension of some of the recorded warp entities and their various manifestations.
  • Heresy: Unpleasant appreciation for those acts and practices deemed heretical by the Imperium.
  • Inquisition: A general understanding (often based on hearsay and rumour) of that most terrible and secret of organisations known to the Inquisition.
  • Archeotech: Knowledge of the great tech devices of ancient times and clues to their function and purpose.
  • Mutants: Covering the study of both stable and unstable mutations and some of their more unfortunate results.
  • Ordos: Either Malleus, Hereticus or Xenos and granting some slightly more specialised knowledge of that panicular ordo's practices.
  • Adeptus Mechanicus: An understanding of the followers of the Machine God, including such things as their observances, common beliefs and core philosophies
  • Psyker: Skill in identifying the signs of psykers as well as the results of their powers and the extent of their capabilities
  • Warp: An understanding of the ways of the warp, especially its interaction with realspace and how its tides and eddies can affect travel between the stars.
  • Xenos: Knowledge of the most commonly encountered species of aliens within the Imperium.

Common Lore

Use the Common Lore Skill to recall the habits, institutions, traditions, public figures and superstitions of a particular world, culural group, organisation or race. This Skill does not represent scholarly learning, nor obscure forbidden knowledge, but rather the basics you learn by growing up or travelling extensively through a region.

  • Adeptus Arbites: Knowledge of the various arms and sub~sects of the Arbites, including such things as their ranking structure and common procedures.
  • Machine Cult: A general understanding of the symbols and practices of the Mechanicus, as well as such things as formal greetings and identifying rankings
  • Administratum: Broad knowledge of the inner workings, rules and regulations of the Administratum.
  • Ecclesiarchy: Understanding of the hierarchy of the Cult of the Emperor, its rankings, greetings and general practices.
  • Imperial Creed: Knowledge of the rites and practices of the Imperial Cult, the most common observances to the Emperor and the most wellknown saints.
  • Imperial Guard: Basic information about the ranking systems, logistics and structure of the Imperial Guard as well as such things as their common practices, both tactical and strategic.
  • Imperium: Knowledge of the sectors, segmentums and most wellknown worlds of the Imperium.
  • Tech: An understanding of simple litanies and rituals to sooth and appease machine spirits
  • Underworld: Understanding of organised crime and sedition within the Imperium.
  • War: Knowledge of great battles, notable (and notorious) commanders and heroes, as well as famous stratagems.