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==Spionage und Überwachung==
==Spionage und Überwachung==
Tool kits are essential to repair skills (see p. B190). A separate kit is required for Electrician, Machinist, and each specialty of Armoury, Electronics Repair, and Mechanic. You don’t use an Armoury kit to repair a pistol – you use an Armoury (Small Arms) kit. The kit’s quality determines the equipment modifiers (p. B345) that apply when using the relevant skill. If the item being worked on has a different TL from the tool kit, apply Tech-Level Modifiers (p. B168) as well.

The exact components of a tool kit are deliberately left vague. It suffices to say that tool kits contain a variety of appropriate tools and spare parts. At higher TLs, they might include power tools. They don’t get cheaper, lighter, or more effective as TL increases. As gadgets get more complex, so do the tools needed to fix them!
Note that Mechanic (Vehicle Type) and Armoury (Vehicular Armor) tool kits and workshops can only perform major repairs on vehicles up to 10 tons. Multiply tool cost and weight by (vehicle weight in tons)/10 for larger facilities. For instance, a Mechanic (Submarine) workshop with a 2,000-ton capacity has 200¥ cost and weight. See Repairs (p. B484) and Breakdowns (p. B485) for further details on repairs, maintenance, and spare-parts costs.
===Mini-Tool Kit (TL5-8)===
This is a belt-sized tool kit. At TL7-8, it may contain a few small batteries. It gives a -2 (quality) modifier for the specific skill and specialty for which it’s designed. A kit for Electrician, Machinist, or any Armoury or Mechanic specialty is $200, 4 lbs. Kits for Electronics Repair specialties are $400, 2 lbs. LC4.
===Portable Tool Kit (TL5-8)===
This is the standard tool kit – the type found in a toolbox behind a truck seat or under the kitchen sink. It counts as basic equipment for the specific skill and specialty for which it’s designed, and gives a -2 (quality) modifier for other specialties of the same skill. At the GM’s option, such kits may have a handful of small batteries at TL7-8. A kit for Electrician, Machinist, or any Armoury or Mechanic specialty is $600, 20 lbs. Kits for Electronics Repair specialties are $1,200, 10 lbs. LC4.
===Workshop (TL5-8)===
This is an elaborate set of tools that fills a room. It has everything necessary for repairs or fabrication (welder, mill, lathe, etc.), including a wide range of materials and spare parts that can be tooled to specific requirements. It gives a +2 (quality) bonus to skill. Each skill requires its own shop, but the wrong type of shop is better than nothing – the quality modifier ranges from -2 for reasonably close crafts to -5 for distant ones. A workshop for Electrician, Machinist, or any Armoury or Mechanic specialty is $15,000, 2,000 lbs. Workshops for Electronics Repair specialties are $30,000, 500 lbs. All require external power. LC4.


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