Endzeit Sanctuary

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Population: 1000+ (PR:2)             Government: Citizen Democracy
Control Rating: 3/5                  Techlevel: 9^


Mit einem der ersten Erlasse hat Tara Know das Control Rating von Sanctuary nun offiziell geändert und die Protokolle wurden entsprechend angepasst. Neu gilt CR 3: Jeder Bürger von Sanctuary darf frei entscheiden wo er leben will, Waffenbesitz von Faustfeuerwaffen ist gestattet und erwünscht.

POTNUS: Tara Knox

We the People of Vault 13, henceforth called Sanctuary, in Order to form a more perfect Union,
establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the
general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain
and establish this Constitution for the New United States of America.
Tara Knox, President of the New United States of America
Thursday, January 1, 2178

Surgeon General of the New United States: Gina Bellefleur

General of the Armies: Rudy Roberts

Fleet Admiral: Jaques Le Coque Grande