Eclipse Phase

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Transhumanismus ist ein Begriff, der synonym ist zu 'Verbesserung des Menschen'. Er ist eine internationale kulturelle und philosophische Bewegung, die die Verbesserung des Menschen, sowohl körperlich als auch geistig, durch Wissenschaft und Technik befürwortet. Um dies zu unterstützen, bezieht Transhumanismus auch aufkommende Technologien mit ein, die ungewünschte Elemente des menschlichen Seins, wie Alterung, Behinderungen, Krankheiten und unfreiwilligen Tod eliminieren. Viele Transhumanisten glauben, dass diese Technologien in naher Zukunft in rasant steigender Geschwindigkeit verfügbar werden und arbeiten an der Förderung des allgemeinen Zugriffs und der demokratischen Kontrolle dieser Technologien. Auf lange Sicht kann der Transhumanismus auch als Übergangsphase vom jetzigen menschlichen Zustand zu einer Wesenheit, die soweit fortgeschritten ist (physisch und mental), dass sie das Etikett 'Posthuman' verdient hat, gesehen werden.

Als Thema umschließt der Transhumanismus hochinteressante Fragen. Was definiert das Menschsein? Was bedeutet es den Tod zu schlagen? Wenn der Geist Software ist, wo zieht man die Grenze des Programmierens des Geistes? Wenn Maschinen und Tiere auf eine mentale und emotionale Ebene mit Menschen angehoben werden, welche Verantwortung haben wir gegenüber ihnen? Wenn du dich selbst kopieren kannst, wo endet das Du und fängt jemand Neues an? Was bedeuten die Möglichkeiten der Technologie im Rahmen von unterdrückender Kontrollen und Befreiung? Wie werden diese Technologien unsere Gesellschaft, Kultur und unser Leben ändern?


Genre: Hard Sci-Fi Cosmic Horror

Tech Level: 11

Power Level: To be determined

Übernatürliche Fähigkeiten: PSI

Umfang: Unser Sonnensystem sowie Exoplaneten durch Gates erreichbar.

Gefahren: Pandemien, ABCN Kriegsführung, Nanotechschwarmausbrüche, Terroristen mit ABCN Waffen, Hackerangriffe, wildgewordene AIs, Ausserirdische und so weiter...

GURPS Resourcen:  Action, Martial Arts, Ultra Tech, Psionic Powers, Powers, Transhuman Space

Player Characters

Your body is disposable. If it gets old, sick, or too heavily damaged, you can digitize your consciousness and download into a new one. The process isn’t cheap or easy, but it does guarantee you effective immortality— as long as you remember to back yourself up and don’t go insane. The term morph is used to describe any type of form your mind inhabits, whether a vatgrown clone sleeve, a synthetic robotic shell, a partbio/ part-synthetic “pod,” or even the purely electronic software state of an infomorph.

Der Charakter wird technisch zweigeteilt. Das permanente, bleibende Element des PC ist das sogenannte Ego. Das Ego ist euer Geist, eure Persönlichkeit. Mit allen Erinnerungen, Wissen und Fähigkeiten. Der Morph ist das wechselnde Element, die Schale. Dieser Körper definiert die phyischen Fähigkeiten des Charakters.

Deshalb generiert der Spieler in erster Linien ein Ego und schlüpft in die Morphs die er sich leisten kann, resp. zur Verfügung stehen. Da im Setting Geld als solches keinen Wert hat, wird man Morphs eher mit Einfluss kaufen den man sich in verschiedenen Fraktionen erkauft. 


Das Ego wird mit folgenden Werten abgebildet:

Intelligence (IQ)


Will und Per werden nicht mehr von IQ abgeleitet ("defaultet")



Will wird viel wichtiger. Ersten wird die Anzahl Stress- und Derangementpunkte durch Will bestimmt, zweitens werden alle Würfe um diese Punkte wieder zu füllen gegen Will gerollt. 

Derangement Points (DP)


Wie "Hit Points", aber für den Geist.

Derangement represents lasting mental harm resulting from Sanity-Blasting Fright Checks, excessive Stress, or (depending on the campaign) bad drugs, sentient brain parasites, malevolent magic, and evil experiments. At the end of any day that brings no new Stress or Derangement, someone with Derangement may roll against Will, with success meaning he sheds -1 in Derangement penalties. The care of a proper therapist with Psychology (Clinical) or Physician (Psychiatric) at 12+ gives +1 to this roll – and the therapist can roll against his skill once a day to erase another-1 in Derangement.

The GM may apply Derangement as a penalty to Influence rolls as well as to Fright Checks. It’s easy enough to pass as sane when just sitting around (explaining why there’s no reaction penalty), but a loose grip on reality is harder to hide when actively trying to manipulate others. Derangement also penalizes any roll required to establish sanity; e.g., before a judge or when interviewing to leave the madhouse. Fearlessness never offsets Derangement!

Derangement Limit: A character’s Derangement limit is also -Will. After that, convert further Derangement into permanent mental disadvantage points

Stress Points (SP)


Wie "Fatigue Points", aber für den Geist.

Stress represents temporary jitters caused by being startled. It’s shed at the rate of -1 per 10 minutes spent in mental relaxation, defined as any situation in which +4 or better for “routine tasks” (p. B345) would apply, from target shooting to a Sunday drive. Much as a meal while resting restores one extra FP, the GM may rule that certain indulgences (brandy, massage, sex, etc.) erase an extra point of Stress.

The GM is welcome to apply Stress penalties not only to Fright Checks, but also to self-control rolls (thus, Stress can make Bad Temper flare or turn a drink into a binge), to skill rolls that demand a steady hand (e.g., Explosives and Surgery), and even to HT rolls for sexual performance, resisting minor ailments, etc. Individuals with Fearlessness can apply its bonus to negate this penalty, but Fearlessness can only give a net bonus on a genuine Fright Check.

Stress Limit: A character’s Stress limit is -Will (e.g., -11 for Will 11). After that, convert further Stress gains directly into Derangement.

Perception (Per)


Basic Speed wird neu durch Perception bestimmt. Perception / 2 Basic Speed. Achtung: Move wird vom Morph bestimmt und leitet sich nicht von Basic Speed ab!

Basic Speed


360 Degree Vision , 3D Spatial Sense , Absolute Direction, Absolute Timing ,Administrative Rank, Allies, Ambidexterity, Animal Empathy, Animal Friend, Artificer, Business Acumen, Charisma, Claim to Hospitality, Clerical Investment, Combat Reflexes, Common Sense, Contact Group, Contacts, Courtesy Rank, Cultural Adaptability, Cultural Familiarity, Danger Sense, Daredevil, Deep Sleeper, Destiny, Digital Mind, Eidetic Memory, Empathy, Fashion Sense, Favor, Fearlessness, Gadgeteer, G-Experience, Gifted Artist, Gigantism, Gizmos, Green Thumb, Gunslinger, Healer, Higher Purpose, Independent Income, Intuition, Intuitive, Mathematician, Language Talent*, Legal Enforcement Powers, Legal Immunity, Less Sleep, Lightning Calculator, Luck, Mathematical Ability, Merchant Rank, Military Rank, Musical Ability, Outdoorsman, Patrons, Photographic Memory, Plant Empathy, Police Rank, Rank, Rapier Wit*, Religious Rank, Reputation, Security Clearance, Sensitive, Serendipity, Shtick, Signature Gear*, Single-Minded, Smooth Operator, Social Chameleon, Social Regard, Special Rapport, Status, Talent, Tenure, Trained By A Master, Unfazeable*, Unusual Background, Versatile, Visualization, Wealth, Weapon Master, Wild Talent, Xeno-Adaptability, Zeroed


Blubb, Blabb



Biomorphs are fully biological sleeves (usually equipped with implants), birthed naturally or in an exowomb, and grown to adulthood either naturally or at a slightly accelerated rate.


Pods (from “pod people”) are vat-grown, biological bodies with extremely undeveloped brains that are augmented with an implanted computer and cybernetics system. Though typically run by an AI, pods are socially unfavored in some stations, used as slave labor in others, and even illegal in some areas. Because pods underwent accelerated growth in their creation and were mostly grown as separate parts and then assembled, their biological design includes some shortcuts and limitations, offset with implants and regular maintenance. They lack reproductive capabilities. In many habitats, their legal status is a hotly contested issue.

Synthethic morphs

Synthetic morphs are completely artificial/robotic. They are usually operated by AIs or via remote control, but the lack of available biomorphs after the Fall meant that many infugees resorted to resleeving in robotic shells, which were also cheaper, quicker to manufacture, and more widely available. Nevertheless, synthmorphs are viewed with disdain in many habitats, an option that only the poor and desperate accept to be sleeved in. Synthetic morphs are not without their advantages, however, and so are commonly used for menial labor, heavy labor, habitat construction, and security services.


Infomorphs are digital-only forms—they lack a physical body. Infomorphs are sometimes carried by other characters instead of (or in addition to) a muse in a ghostrider module (p. 307). Full rules for infomorphs can be found on p. 265.


  • Morphs stellen die phsysischen Fähigkeiten des Charakters: ST, DX, HT, HP, FP,  Move
  • Morphs limitieren Basic Speed: Der tiefere Wert von Per/2 oder (DX+HT)/4.
  • Morphs können Limiten haben bezüglich IQ, Per, Will und Cha. Wenn man seinen IQ 19 Geist in einen Frosch zwängen will, kostet das Stresspunkte. Je grösser der Unterschied von Geist zu Körper umso grösser der daraus resultierende Stress.
  • Skills die auf DX oder HT beruhen sind durch den Morph bestimmt, resp. können gekauft werden.




In some horror, especially horror dealing with Things Man Was Not Meant To Know, certain frights can blast the sanity from those who behold (or discover) them. The Thing simply cannot exist – the mortal mind cannot perceive it and remain sane. Without going the full Lovecraft, a horror campaign might still posit a difference between simple terror and adrenaline shock, and madness-inducing visions and experiences. One way to draw this distinction is to separate Fright Checks into two categories: ordinary Fright Checks, which cause Stress, and Sanity-Blasting Fright Checks,which cause Derangement.


In this model, failing an ordinary Fright Check causes the effects on the Fright Check Table and adds -1 to Stress – or -3 on a critical failure. Sanity-Blasting Fright Checks work similarly, but worsen Derangement instead of Stress. The victim has a cumulative penalty to all Fright Checks

equal to current (Stress + Derangement)/2, rounded against him. Unforgiving cosmic horror games with truly sanityblasting stimuli may halve only the Stress penalty!


While Stress and Derangement are averaged for Fright Checks, record them separately – they work differently in other respects.




Stress represents temporary jitters caused by being startled. It’s shed at the rate of -1 per 10 minutes spent in mental relaxation, defined as any situation in which +4 or better for “routine tasks” (p. B345) would apply, from target shooting to a Sunday drive. Much as a meal while resting restores one extra FP, the GM may rule that certain indulgences (brandy, massage, sex, etc.) erase an extra point of Stress.


The GM is welcome to apply Stress penalties not only to Fright Checks, but also to self-control rolls (thus, Stress can make Bad Temper flare or turn a drink into a binge), to skill rolls that demand a steady hand (e.g., Explosives and Surgery), and even to HT rolls for sexual performance, resisting minor ailments, etc. Individuals with Fearlessness canapply its bonus to negate this penalty, but Fearlessness can only give a net bonus on a genuine Fright Check.


Stress Limit: A character’s Stress limit is -Will (e.g., -11 for Will 11). After that, convert further Stress gains directly into Derangement.




Derangement represents lasting mental harm resulting from Sanity-Blasting Fright Checks, excessive Stress, or (depending on the campaign) bad drugs, sentient brain parasites, malevolent magic, and evil experiments. At the end of any day that brings no new Stress or Derangement, someone with Derangement may roll against Will, with success meaning he sheds -1 in Derangement penalties. The care of a proper therapist with Psychology (Clinical) or Physician (Psychiatric) at 12+ gives +1 to this roll – and the therapist can roll against his skill once a day to erase another-1 in Derangement.


The GM may apply Derangement as a penalty to Influence rolls as well as to Fright Checks. It’s easy enough to pass as sane when just sitting around (explaining why there’s no reaction penalty), but a loose grip on reality is harder to hide when actively trying to manipulate others. Derangement also penalizes any roll required to establish sanity; e.g., before a judge or when interviewing to leave the madhouse. Fearlessness never offsets Derangement!


Derangement Limit:A character’s Derangement limit is also -Will. After that, convert further Derangement into permanent mental disadvantage points