Endzeit Ausrüstung

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Es können Gegenstände von TL0-9^ im Spiel vorkommen. Ihr könnt Euch also bei folgenden Büchern bedienen mit Ausrüstung, GM Entscheid vorbehalten!

  • Basic Set
  • Low Tech
  • High Tech
  • Ultra Tech

Trotzdem liste ich hier nochmals die wichtigsten Dinge in Kategorien auf:

Generic Items

Camping and Survival


Numerous drugs and chemicals were devised by the Ancients, some capable of saving lives, others capable of enhancing mankind’s inherited abilities - dictating what was once the sole domain of nature. These items, though limited in uses (i.e. they are consumed when used) are often among the greatest treasures. Medicines are known by many names in the post holocaust world. To the primitive wasteland dwellers, they are “good juju”, or “good magic”, while to those who hold some semblance of civilization they are known as “drugs” or simply “meds”. Medicines, though vastly misunderstood by the savage survivors of the holocaust, are still considered priceless because of their “magic” - they are some of the few things that maintain their value over time (due to futuristic preservation techniques, that is).

Here is a table of all the stuff, that is currently known and used in wastes... there may, of course, be more:

Name Techlevel Weight Cost
Auto-Doc 9^+1 2000 lbs 250000
Diagnostic Scanner 9^+1 0.5 lbs 10500
Healing Powder 4 0.5 10
Voodoo 4 1 50
Stimpack 9 neg. 40
Super Stimpack 9 1 600
Trauma Pack 9^+1 1 750
Ultra Stimpack 9^+1 0.5 1000
Antidote 7 1 150
Afterburner Gum 7 neg. 350
Mentats 8 neg. 100
Buffout 8 neg. 100
Psycho 8 0.5 175
Mutie 9 0.5 700
Jet 8 neg. 25
Rad-X 9 neg. 600
Radaway 9 neg. 400
First Aid Kit 7 5 400
Doctor's Bag 7 10 600
Pocket Nurse 9 2 1000
UV Sterilizer 7 2 800



This most advanced of all Ancient medical devices is a machine used by some doctors to assist in patient recovery and the healing the serious wounds. An Auto-Doc is a robotic “doctor” consisting of a steel table with several mounted robotic arms ending in surgical tools and scanners. Note that attempting to use a malfunctioning Auto-Doc could result in an extremely gory death. Such devices require a great deal of power to operate effectively, usually coming from the reactor of a medical facility. The patient is effectively unconscious and vulnerable while strapped to the machine. An Auto-Doc has the skills Diagnose, Physician and Surgery at a level of 20.

Diagnostic Scanner

This hand-held electronic device, when used within 10 ft. of a given subject (the scanner must be directed towards the target), will scan its bloodstream, electrical impulses, and general chemical content with a variety of sophisticated sensors. The scanner has a compressed memory bank filled with a large library of diseases and general illnesses, and the information gleaned from the scan is crossreferenced with its memory to diagnose whatever disease or sickness (if any) is affecting the target. The diagnostic scanner detects and accurately identifies diseases, chemical contaminant levels, the presence of parasitic infestations, radiation levels, broken bones, degenerative genetic illness, poison, etc. It also grants a +3 bonus to Diagnosis checks. Power Source: Micro Fusion Cell

Melee Weapons

Ranged Weapons

