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{| {{table}}
[[UZF Traits]]
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|''''''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Ultimate Zombie Fighter'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|''''''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''300'''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|''''''
| align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|''''''
| ||||||||||
| ||Attributes||||20||||
| ||ST||10||0||||
| ||DX||10||0||||
| ||IQ||10||0||||
| ||HT||12||20||||
| ||||||||||
| ||Secondary Attributes||||0||||
| ||HP||10||0||||
| ||Will||10||0||||
| ||Perception||10||0||||
| ||FP||12||0||||
| ||Basic Speed||5.50||0||||
| ||Basic Move||5||0||||
| ||||||||||
| ||Advantages||||226||||
| ||Immunity to Zombie Plague||||5||||Resistant (Zombie Plague) (Rare) (Immunity)
| ||Standart Operating Procedure (On Alert)||||1||||You always have full kit packed and ready to go in the event of emergency. This doesn’t mean you react faster (get Combat Reflexes for that) - it just means always being able to scoop up all your gear without wasting valuable time.
| ||Choose Attributes …||||220||||
| ||ST 1-8||10/level||||||
| ||DX 1-6||20/level||||||
| ||IQ 1-6||20/level||||||
| ||HT 1-4||10/level||||||
| ||HP (up to ST + 30%)||2/level||||||
| ||Will 1-6||5/level||||||
| ||Per 1-6||5/level||||||
| ||FP (up to HT + 30%)||3/level||||||
| ||Basic Speed (up to Basic Speed +30%)||20/level||||||
| ||Basic Move (up to Basic Move +30%)||5/level||||||
| ||… and Talent(s) …||||||||
| ||Artificer 1-4 ||9/level||||||
| ||Born Soldier 1-4||5/level||||||
| ||Born War-Leader 1-4||5/level||||||
| ||Circuit Sense 1-4||5/level||||||
| ||Craftiness 1-4||6/level||||||
| ||Driver's Reflexes 1-4||5/level||||||
| ||Green Thumb 1-4 ||5/level||||||
| ||Healer 1-4 ||9/level||||||
| ||Jack of all Trades 1-3||10/level||||||
| ||Master Builder 1-4||5/level||||||
| ||Natural Athlete||11/level||||||
| ||Outdoorsman 1-4 ||7/level||||||
| ||Smooth Operator 1-4||13/level||||||
| ||Stalker 1-4||5/level||||||
| ||Strong Chi 1-4||5/level||||||
| ||Super-Spy 1-4||15/level||||||
| ||Survivor 1-4||5/level||||||
| ||Talker 1-4||5/level||||||
| ||Tough Guy 1-4||5/level||||||
| ||Widget-Worker 1-4||5/level||||||
| ||… and Advantages …||||||||
| ||Absolute Direction or 3D Spatial Sense||5 or 10||||||
| ||Absolute Timing||2||||||
| ||Acute Senses (any) 1-2||2/level||||||
| ||Ambidexterity ||5||||||
| ||Arm ST 1-2||5/level||||||
| ||Charisma 1-6||5/level||||||
| ||Rapier Wit||5||||||Wirkt nur auf Gegner die a) intelligent genug sind eine Beleidigung wahrzunehmen b) auf solche denen man etwas vorwerfen kann.
| ||Breath-Holding 1-2||2/level||||||
| ||Catfall||10||||||
| ||Combat Reflexes ||15||||||
| ||Common Sense ||10||||||
| ||Danger Sense ||15||||||
| ||Daredevil||15||||||
| ||Destiny 1-3||5/level||||||
| ||Eidetic or Photographic Memory ||5 or 10||||||
| ||Enhanced Block 1-3||5/level||||||Stufe 3 nur mit WM erlaubt
| ||Enhanced Dodge (Dive for Cover) 1-3||5/level||||||
| ||Enhanced Dodge (Vehicular) 1-3||5 or 10/level||||||
| ||Enhanced Dodge 1-3 ||15/level||||||Stufe 3 nur mit TbaM erlaubt
| ||Enhanced Parry (Bare Hands) 1-3||5 or 10/level||||||Stufe 3 nur mit TbaM erlaubt
| ||Enhanced Parry (One melee weapon) 1-3||5 or 10/level||||||Stufe 3 nur mit WM erlaubt
| ||Enhanced Parry (All) 1-3||5 or 10/level||||||Stufe 3 nur mit WM|TbaM erlaubt
| ||Extra Attack (Single Skill, Multistrike) or Extra Attack (Multistrike)||25 or 30||||||
| ||Fearlessness 1-5||2/level||||||
| ||Fit or Very Fit ||5 or 15||||||
| ||Flexibility or Double-Jointed||5 or 15||||||
| ||Gizmo 1-3||5/level||||||
| ||Gunslinger||25||||||Nur [25] Version erlaubt. Walking Armory*‡ -> Gunslinger haben das "gratis" für 1 Pistole und 1 Langwaffe|schwere Waffe
| ||Hard to Kill 1-5 ||2/level||||||
| ||Hard to Subdue 1-5 ||2/level||||||
| ||Heroic Archer||20||||||
| ||High Manual Dexterity 1-4||5/level||||||
| ||High Pain Threshold ||10||||||
| ||Higher Purpose (Deliver the package) ||5||||||In an action scene, you get +1 to all success rolls made to ferry an important cargo or passenger: vehicular skill and Dodge rolls, Mechanic rolls to repair breakdowns, HT rolls to remain conscious at the wheel, etc.
| ||Higher Purpose (Kill Zombies)||5||||||Gives +1 on all rolls to attack, defend against, damage, resist, and otherwise thwart zombies! The catch is that you must fight any zombie you meet, or lose the benefit until you kill a few hordes to get your mojo back.
| ||Higher Purpose (Medic!)||5||||||In an action scene, you get +1 to all success rolls made to aid injured allies: Dodge and movement skill rolls to reach them under fire, HT rolls to stay conscious on your way there, medical skill rolls to patch them up, etc.
| ||Intuition or Intuition (Inspired)||15 or 30||||||
| ||Less Sleep 1-4 ||2/level||||||
| ||Lifting ST 1-2||3/level||||||
| ||Luck or Extraordinary Luck ||15 or 30||||||
| ||Night Vision 1-9 ||1/level||||||
| ||Perfect Balance ||15||||||
| ||Peripheral Vision ||15||||||
| ||Pitiable||5||||||
| ||Rapid or Very Rapid Healing ||5 or 15||||||
| ||Recovery ||10||||||
| ||Reduced Consumption 1 ||2||||||
| ||Resistant to Disease (+3) or (+8) ||3 or 5||||||
| ||Resistant to Poison (+3)||5||||||
| ||Sensitive or Empathy||5 or 15||||||
| ||Serendipity 1 or 2 ||15 or 30||||||
| ||Striking ST 1-2||5/level||||||
| ||Temperature Tolerance 1 or 2 ||1 or 2||||||
| ||Trained by a Master||30||||||Armor Familiarity 4 für alle Nahkampfskills gratis
| ||Unfazeable||15||||||
| ||Weapon Master (All)||45||||||Es ist nur "voller" Weaponmaster erlaubt; Dazu gibt es gratis Walking Armoury für eine Reach C Waffe, eine Reach 1 Waffe, eine Reach 2+ Waffe. Bsp: Longknife, Katana, Halberd
| ||Wild Talent 1||20||||||
| ||Wildcard Language (Broken/Accented/Native)||6/12/18||||||
| ||… and Perks||||||||
| ||Acrobatic Feints||1||||M||
| ||Acrobatic Kicks||1||||M||
| ||Acrobatics Galore||1||||||Braucht Vow (Always fight unarmed) [-15]
| ||Akimbo*†||1||||G||Braucht Gunslinger
| ||Armor Familiarity†||1||||||
| ||Army of One*||1||||||
| ||Cinematic Knockback*†‡||1||||||
| ||Combat Pole-Vaulting||1||||||
| ||Compact Frame||1||||||
| ||Cookie Cutter*†||1||||||
| ||Cool Under Fire||1||||||
| ||Cowpoker||1||||||
| ||Deadly Pose||1||||||
| ||Deep Sleeper||1||||||
| ||Dirty Fighting||1||||M||Braucht Trained by a Master
| ||Drunken Fighting*||1||||||
| ||Dual Ready†||1||||||
| ||Exotic Weapon Training†||1||||M||
| ||Finishing Move||1||||||
| ||Focused Fury||1||||||Prerequisite: Trained by a Master or Weapon Master.
| ||Form Mastery†||1||||M||
| ||Good with Zombies||1||||||Hidden Lore (Zombies) (14+)
| ||Grip Mastery†||1||||M||
| ||Ground Guard||1||||M||
| ||Hand Cannon||1||||||
| ||Horde-Walker||1||||||Bad Smell -10, Disguise (Zombies) (14+)
| ||Hot-Zone Hero||1||||||Hazardous Materials (Biological) and NBC Suit (16+)
| ||Improvised Weapons†||1||||M||
| ||Iron Hands||1||||||Prerequisite: Trained by a Master
| ||NBC Suit Experience||1||||||NBC Suit (16+)
| ||Neck Control†||1||||H||
| ||No Hangover||1||||||
| ||Off-Hand Weapon Training†||1||||G/M||
| ||One-Armed Bandit*†||1||||G||Braucht Gunslinger
| ||Penetrating Voice||1||||||
| ||Pistol-Fist*†||1||||G||Braucht Gunslinger
| ||Power Grappling||1||||M||
| ||Quick Reload†||1||||||
| ||Quick-Sheathe†||1||||G/M||
| ||Quick-Swap†||1||||||
| ||Rapid Retraction†||1||||||
| ||Rule of 15||1||||||
| ||Scattergun*‡||1||||||
| ||Shield-Wall Training||1||||M||Braucht Weapon Master
| ||Shtick (Can strike a flame anywhere)||1||||||
| ||SOP (Check the Bodies)||1||||||Observation 14+
| ||SOP (Clean Freak)||1||||||Housekeeping 14+
| ||SOP (Sleep with one eye open)||1||||||
| ||Strongbow||1||||R||Braucht Heroic Archer
| ||Sure-Footed†||1||||||
| ||Tap-Rack-Bang†||1||||||
| ||Teamwork†||1||||||
| ||Tracer Eyes*||1||||||Braucht Gunslinger oder Acute Vision 2
| ||Trademark Move||1||||||
| ||Urban Jungle Gym||1||||||Prerequisites: Acrobatics, Climbing, and Jumping at 16+.
| ||Walking Armory*‡||1||||||Gibt's gratis mit Gunslinger|Weaponmaster (Siehe da); Ansonsten muss auf eine Waffe spezialisiert werden.
| ||Weapon Bond†||1||||G/M||
| ||||||||||
| ||Disadvantages||||-35||||
| ||Appearance ||-4 or -8||||||
| ||Bad Temper ||-10*||||||
| ||Berserk ||-10*||||||
| ||Bloodlust ||-10*||||||
| ||Bully ||-10*||||||
| ||Callous ||-5||||||
| ||Charitable ||-15*||||||
| ||Chummy or Gregarious ||-5 or -10||||||
| ||Code of Honor (Hippocratic Oath)||-5||||||
| ||Compulsive Survivalism (Z:32) ||-5*||||||
| ||Delusion (Explosives are safe around me)||-5||||||
| ||Delusion (I’m God when I’m your doctor!)||-5||||||
| ||Delusions (Holy water burns zombies) ||-10||||||
| ||Delusions (Society will return to normal) ||-5||||||
| ||Delusions (Zombies are their old selves, deep inside) ||-5||||||
| ||Delusions (Zombification is reversible) ||-5||||||
| ||Flashbacks ||-5 or -10||||||
| ||Greed ||-15*||||||
| ||Guilt Complex ||-5||||||
| ||Hard of Hearing ||-10||||||
| ||Honesty ||-10*||||||
| ||Impulsiveness ||-10*||||||
| ||Insomniac ||-10 or -15||||||
| ||Light Sleeper ||-5||||||
| ||Loner ||-5*||||||
| ||Missing Digit ||-2 or -5||||||
| ||Nightmares ||-5*||||||
| ||No Sense of Humor ||-10||||||
| ||Oblivious ||-5||||||
| ||Obsession (Find a cure) ||-10*||||||
| ||Odious Personal Habits ||-5 to -15||||||
| ||On the Edge ||-15*||||||
| ||Overconfidence ||-5*||||||
| ||Pacifism (Cannot Harm Innocents)||-10||||||
| ||Paranoia ||-10||||||
| ||Phobia (Loud Noises) ||-10*||||||Zombies gehören nicht dazu!
| ||Post-Combat Shakes ||-5*||||||
| ||Pyromania ||-5*||||||
| ||Secret (Bomb-making nutcase) ||-20||||||
| ||Selfish or Selfless ||-5*||||||
| ||Sense of Duty (Companions) or (All humanity) ||-5 or -15||||||
| ||Skinny ||-5||||||
| ||Social Disease (Carrier)||-10||||||
| ||Social Stigma (Criminal Record) ||-5||||||
| ||Stubbornness ||-5||||||
| ||Trickster ||-15*||||||
| ||Vow (Always fight unarmed)||-15||||||
| ||Vow (Refuse no request for medical aid)||-10||||||
| ||Workaholic ||-5||||||
| ||Wounded ||-5||||||
| ||||||||||
| ||Primary Skills||||52||||#BEZUG!
| ||Mandatory Skills||||||||
| ||Area Knowledge (local) (E)||IQ+2||4||||
| ||Hidden Lore (Zombies) (A)||IQ+1||4||||
| ||Scrounging (E)||IQ+2||4||||
| ||Stealth (A)||DX+1||4||||
| ||Survival (any) or Urban Survival (A)||Per+1||4||||
| ||Combat||||32||||
| ||Striking, Grappling, Melee- and Ranged Weapon Skill at [8] each||||||||
| ||Striking, Grappling and Melee Weapon Skill at [8] each, Two Ranged Weapon Skill at [4] each||||||||
| ||Striking, Grappling and Ranged Weapon Skill at [8] each, Two Mele Weapon Skill at [4] each||||||||
| ||Striking, Grappling at [8] each, Two Melee and Ranged Weapon Skill at [4] each||||||||
| ||Secondary & Background Skills||||37||||
| ||Acrobatics||||20||||
| ||Acting||||17||||
| ||Area Knowledge (any)||||||||
| ||Armoury (any)||||||||
| ||Bioengineering (any)||||||||
| ||Biology||||||||
| ||Boating (any)||||||||
| ||Camouflage||||||||
| ||Carpentry||||||||
| ||Cartography||||||||
| ||Chemistry||||||||
| ||Climbing||||||||
| ||Diagnosis||||||||
| ||Disguise (Zombies)||||||||
| ||Driving (any)||||||||
| ||Electrician||||||||
| ||Electronics Repair (any)||||||||
| ||Engineer (any)||||||||
| ||Escape||||||||
| ||Expert Skill (Epidemiology)||||||||
| ||Farming||||||||
| ||Fast-Draw (any)||||||||
| ||First Aid||||||||
| ||Fishing||||||||
| ||Forced Entry||||||||
| ||Gardening||||||||
| ||Hazardous Materials (any)||||||||
| ||Hiking||||||||
| ||Housekeeping||||||||
| ||Intelligence Analysis||||||||
| ||Intimidation||||||||
| ||Knot-Tying||||||||
| ||Machinist||||||||
| ||Masonry||||||||
| ||Mechanic (any)||||||||
| ||Navigation (any)||||||||
| ||NBC Suit||||||||
| ||Observation||||||||
| ||Pharmacy (any)||||||||
| ||Physician||||||||
| ||Physics||||||||
| ||Piloting (any)||||||||
| ||Poisons||||||||
| ||Psychology||||||||
| ||Research||||||||
| ||Riding (any)||||||||
| ||Running||||||||
| ||Smith (any)||||||||
| ||Soldier||||||||
| ||Surgery||||||||
| ||Tactics||||||||
| ||Tracking||||||||

Version vom 5. Mai 2015, 16:21 Uhr